
SciTechDaily Science, Space and Technology News 2024

  • Boson Systems Shatter Quantum Speed Limits: Information Races Faster Than Particles
    by RIKEN on September 9, 2024 at 4:59 pm

    Information can travel faster than individual particles in systems made up of interacting bosons. Researchers at RIKEN have discovered that in certain quantum systems, information can propagate increasingly faster over time, challenging previous assumptions about universal speed limits such as those defined by the Lieb–Robinson bound. This analysis reveals fundamental differences in how bosons and […]

  • “Unethical”: New Evidence Casts Doubt on a Much-Hyped Blood Test for Early Cancer Detection
    by BMJ Group on September 9, 2024 at 4:08 pm

    The deal obligates the NHS to purchase millions of tests in return for a state-of-the-art facility. However, experts argue the arrangement represents “a clear example of public risk for private gain.” New findings reported by The BMJ raise questions about the reliability of a highly publicized blood test for the NHS that claims to identify […]

  • Is Our Weather Turning Against Us? Scientists Predict Rapid Escalation of Extreme Weather
    by University of Reading on September 9, 2024 at 3:00 pm

    New research reveals that without significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, up to 70% of the global population will face drastic changes in extreme weather within the next two decades. The study highlights potential outcomes of extreme temperature shifts and altered rainfall patterns, emphasizing the urgent need for comprehensive climate action to mitigate these impacts […]

  • Scientists Unveil Results of First Archaeology Project in Space
    by Chapman University on September 9, 2024 at 1:57 pm

    The inaugural space archaeological survey on the ISS reveals how astronauts adapt their living and working spaces, offering insights for future space habitat designs and demonstrating the versatility of archaeological methods in extreme environments. The first archaeological survey conducted in space has revealed fresh insights into how astronauts utilize and adapt their living environments aboard […]

  • Newly Discovered Gene Could Be the Secret to Longevity
    by University of Copenhagen – The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences on September 9, 2024 at 12:48 pm

    A study reveals that the OSER1 protein significantly impacts longevity, suggesting new treatment possibilities for aging. A new study from the University of Copenhagen reveals that a specific gene plays a significant role in determining longevity, potentially opening the door to new treatments. Sleep, fasting, exercise, green porridge, black coffee, a healthy social life… There […]